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Carmina's Simple Avon Wonderland Eye Palette

Carmina is thinking in advance when you realized your eyeshadow is to big carry along with you. Carmina will be travelling to Bohol with limit baggage allowance we need to think and purchase things taking less space. Carmina went toward using brown shade on her eyeshadow.  My favorite brand is not something expensive. I've been using Avon brands for a long time.  Carmina was able to find  Rosel Avon O' Shop  Online Shopee Philippines having the colors I use.  The item I found is the Avon True Color Eyeshadow Quad placed my order. The seller had informed me the item is no longer available but found Wonderland Eye Palette in shade called Queen Bee. The price is 379.00 pesos ($6.77) not including shipping and handling. I asked, how will she refund me the remaining. The seller said, she can send it to me through Gcash because I had paid in full.  NOTE: Carmina is not selling or advertising for Avon Eyeshadow Mocha Latte from Rosel Avon O' Shop Online Shopee Philippines. Subscri

Carmina the Stray 🐈Cat in Poppo Live

Carmina realized when she runs out of coin in Poppo Live. She can just easily withdraw from her account and transfer the amount she needs to make it enough.

We can give ourselves a limit on how much we want to spend by giving gifts to others.

Those who don't know Carmina is an agent in Poppo Live just don't have anyone working with me.

I am solo flight. I am enjoying myself because there are no rules and obligation. 

I had trade my 5k of coins to Risa. While we are seating down at the crown chair we are sending gifts to each other. It was exciting sending gifts to those who are participate. 

There are moments Poppo is being stringy not giving any coins back to you. Other times we can win coins back just for an experience I decided to give 10 cheer sticks to each person. I won 3,000 coins back from me.

Amy had introduced me to her sister in-law and cousin. These are the three who I have been trading my coins. 

We are four simple Filipina who haven't met each other in person. Although we can communicate in our party host among each other. Social media made it easier to meet new people every day you get to see them live in their solo streaming. 

Looking at your phone is a window of someone else's home and environment makes us curious who are new friends are. 

The term people used often in Poppo is RC meaning to recharge their coins. 

Sometimes you encounter friends who are no longer a VIP and somewhat need to find a new friend to do your trade. 

I think it is normal everyone has their own expenses in life. 

We cannot always depend on our friends to find someone to trade our coins. 

Carmina just has to brainstorm and see who she can trade her coins hopefully they will be honest people. They say there are a lot of people who will scam you do not give back the trade.

Why do I call myself a stray cat? 

Working on your own inside Poppo Live just how in reality we become independent finding ways to meet new people. 

Recently Carmina had entered a panel, she had a sign saying gamble and recharge. Carmina sat for one-hour task. People who were inside seating at the panel began sending gifts to each other. 

Carmina decided to join and send gifts to everyone. I sent cheer sticks worth 120 coins in Poppo live. I won 10,000 from sending 1,200 worth of gifts to everyone.

Someone at the panel had made a trade worth 50,000 coins sending a maze gift to the host and the person who was making the trade.

Carmina had message the host if she can also trade 50,000 and the host said go ahead send the gift to her.

I also sent a maze from the gifts listed. The host did the same.

My level had increase to level 7 in Poppo Live. 

Carmina is enjoying herself meeting new people.


Carmina is not selling or advertising for activities in Poppo Live application.

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