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Showing posts from January 14, 2022

Tips: How Does Lucky Box Work in Poppo Live

Many of us don't have funds to become a Normal Vip in Poppo Live. Lucky box can be found when hosting a live at Host Tools and on the Gifts located right hand side. It can be found at Gift second row is the Lucky Box color red . Upon entering a party panel and seeing they have a red box displayed on the left side of the screen there is a timer letting you know when the coins are available. People who are giving lucky boxes can be seen when you click the lucky box. The lucky box is based on your luck if you're able to click it ahead from other people in the panel or viewing the party. Majority most people who put a lucky box is the host. The price of the lucky box is from 10, 50, 100, 500 and 1,000 coins. There is a timer starting 3, 5 and 10 minutes. The quantity from 5, 10, 50, 100 and 200 people who can receive the lucky box. When you're the host can decide if you would like All audiences , Follow the host and Join Fan Club pay 100 coins or if you have become a fan cl

Do you remember your first driver's license?

Carmina was looking at her old driver's license that she had in the past. You get to look back the years and recall every moment when you first drove. Carmina started driving when she was in senior year in California where she grew up. I can remember it was required in high school to get a driving permit. My first car was a hand me down from my Uncle who was Mom Violy's sibling that loan us a car to use. No one wants their children to start driving a brand new car. During that time the steering wheel was hard to move around being stiff although it didn't stop Carmina not to learn how to drive. Carmina was eighteen years old when she started driving. Having a driver's license in senior year is a time you have a chance being independent. Considering your parents always being strict with you yet you had to obey the ground rules were going out after school activities in high school was still not allowed. Carmina's parents asked her to drive to their errands by shopping

Have you ever heard a friend of yours who says Godsend to you?

Have you ever heard a friend of yours who says Godsend to you? I have two friends who tell me I was sent to them when they are feeling down in their life the feeling everything is crashing down in their world. They have felt I was sent through their prayers in something they always prayed for someone who can guide them to the right direction. A person they can share their dreadful stories of their past life and have someone to help them become a stronger person to make new changes in their life. Even though that person is not in front of you or close to you having to feel there is someone you can talk too and listen to your problems gives you a security with a back up plan how to make changes in your life. Sometimes we need someone to be sent to us to clarify what we feel inside and what can we can do to overcome our own fears. Carmina has a friend who has informed her that is God who is leading you the way to find these people. You’re a person who seems to be the right can

Carmina's Mountain Bike Story

A bike given to you disappear without a trace until Manang V tells you recently someone built your old bike and loan it someone else. Carmina had a mountain bike that was dismantled last August 2021 and didn't know someone had fixed it up having only a pedal that was missing to be repaired. Carmina has been asking for a fuel bike rider and found out why it didn't push through. You wonder why the person who gave you the mountain bike never asked permission to borrow it. You realize anything that is a gift really isn't yours when it has been dismantled and fixed up again. After someone has used or borrowed your mountain bike you don't feel like using it wear and tear. The person wants to buy it off from you. Covid is the issue we prefer to sell it to the person who has been using your mountain bike. Carmina decided not to build a mountain bike rather move on and just keep doing her cardio where she was able to lose the amount of body fat off her waist. You really don'

Carmina's Wardrobe

Just recently Carmina was talking to her college friends. They had mentioned you need to present yourself how people look at you. You need to give them a presentation to sell yourself what type of clothing you wear and not neglect how you look by appearance. Carmina felt differently telling her college friend why I need to show the public how I look. I believe you should do it with confidence not for someone who sees you. To feel you've reach the comfortable stage in how you want to feel. First of all everyone is all different from the form of their body shapes. It takes courage for people to show what they want to wear in public. Carmina's college friend you’re too conservative in the clothes you wear. Carmina said well I am not proving anything to anyone and I don't need too if they don't like how I dress that is their problem not mine. Friendship doesn't go based on what our friends choose to wear. We are friends because it is toward our friendship. What does clo

Take a Peak on Campfire Burger's Hidden Menu in the Philippines

The last time Carmina had tried food served at Campfire Burgers Philippines was year 2020. Carmina decided to look into restaurants she had tried in the past. Looking into Campfire Burger's menu there was something from the bottom where you can find their Hidden Menu. Carmina had a difficult time deciding what she wanted to try. Narrow down Carmina decided upon ordering the Shrimp Sandwich for herself for PHP 219.00 ($4.29). Carmina had requested to put the tartar sauce on the side to prevent it getting soggy arriving in its destination by placing it in edit while ordering through Grab Food. In case you run into someone who is picky when it comes how you want your burger you an option to Build Your Own Burger in short cut B.Y.O.B. Example: You want to B.Y.O.B by having a Double Bacon, Double 1/4 pound, Double Cheese and Barbecue Sauce on your burger paying PHP 289.00 ($5.67). Of course you can choose otherwise to pick something off Campfire Burger's menu is their Double Decker