Out of your friends who are using TikTok on their phone seems a popular social media application. Carmina tried making an account in TikTok in the beginning I was getting dizzy inside too many things going on. I had deleted the account and uninstalled on my phone. Second time Yssa was telling me to try it again she had invited me. I felt uneasy for some reason felt the application was complicated. Yssa and Mary Ann was telling me to click and watch videos and click the rewards. I couldn't do it some reason wasn't allowed to claim saying not available in my country. I am living in the Philippines which was strange because both Yssa and Mary Ann live in same country. I decided to delete my account and uninstall the application. Third time Mary Ann said among her friends I am the only one who doesn't have a TikTok account. I decided not to link to my Facebook account since it is on lock mode and found out reason to believe why you cannot claim any rewards. I had used my email ...
Two days ago I was talking to my friend and she had mentioned to me she woke up having a dream. In her dream she was a successful lawyer and when she woke up she felt her current job had no challenge to push her forward in looking into her work daily. Do you think it is too late to go back to college when you’re in the half of a century? Does anyone you know have place themselves to school at an old age? My friend felt she wanted to go back to school even if she had counted how many years it would take when she would graduate. Sometimes in our life we choose a major that we’re unsure what type we wanted and only went based on who we’re dating during our college years. We never consider or look ahead to see what we’re actually good at when we’re young. Or who knows we had parents who had meddle in our own career choices saying you’re not good at that field. Either way we reach a turning point in our career where there is no challenge and direction to go forward. ...