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Showing posts from March 15, 2021

Uncover the mystery behind Carmina's hidden truth!

Long time ago I had a tooth that was lose but was told by the dentist let it come out when it will go on its own. It might affect your teeth surrounded. Carmina waited till years has passed. After flossing my teeth between my meals all a sudden the tooth can fly out from my mouth.  Carmina panic called up Dr. Emon informed him that my tooth came out. Dr. Emon said is this good news or bad. I said both.  I wanted to make an appointment to discuss what was needed to do afterwards. My appointment was schedule with Dra. Lala had my cleaning. Dra. Lala had informed me my gums needed to heal for two months. Carmina has never had the feeling toothless. It was something I needed to do and slowly wait for the process. Carmina was informed to eat soft food and nothing hot. I felt it was a challenge to myself finding the right food for me to eat. A person who has already done food that only white during whiten teeth last year. I feel it is possible. The food I had mainly ate was congee w...

Nestea Honey Pear Tea Made in Hong Kong

I've never seen Nestea that had Honey Pear Tea flavored beverage. I was able to see it from  168 Grocers  Online Shop Shopee Philippines it had caught my eye why not try it. I do eat fresh pear and I use honey for my tea.  Nestea Honey Pear Tea is not that sweet something you can drink daily if you wanted too sold for PHP 328.00 ($6.56) with six cans 315 ml. not including shipping and handling. Note: I am not selling or advertising for Nestea Honey Pear Tea and 168 Grocers Online Shop Shopee Philippines. Subscribe @ Facebook Page Carmina Lifestyle  a place to look, discover and share. Thank you.  

Haw Flakes

Being a kid we use our imagination during kindergarten and grade school. We played outside with our neighbors who had kids the same age. I remember we used card board to make a house in our drive way. We used our dolls and toys to decorate our home. The food we use was whatever we had in our food pantry by asking permission from our own parents. I remember we pretended we went to attend church someone had dress up being the priest and a nun.  My parents had some haw flakes and we pretended that was the bread to serve during our pretend mass. The color may not be white being small and round made us resemble what the priest had fed us during our mass during our imagination we didn't care what it was made. When I was young my parents always ate lunch at China Town in San Francisco after our meal we would walk around to shop around to bring food back home. I love eating the Haw Flakes rolled up and eating each circle shape giving you a tart taste in your mouth. It was the common candy ...