Carmina experience how it feels not having any funds in doing Poppo. The feeling is the same in real life unable to do activities, How does someone cope with the situation? Possible solution is either borrow coins from friends active doing Poppo. Chances are the people who have loaned the coins will ask it back. Pay by installment or pay in full once have the funds. Those who are not a normal VIP very impossible not unless you play games. What are the chances from money you start off will you win. Doubtfully you’ll be having stressful thinking how to pay back what you owe. Life in Poppo is the same feeling in reality when money is involved. We may have friends give you time to pay them. We may feel need to pay someone who are not used to borrow money. No matter what we feel the stress adds on by making sure we have daily funds pay the expenses we don’t own. Carmina doesn’t usually buy coins yet somehow felt only way to solve my problem. I searched it up foun
When you break your bones and slipped from a chair you realize you’re not as young as you look. Your body is getting older and cannot cope up with the pain. When people find out close to you all you hear is you’re lucky at least you didn't hurt your spinal cord. There is no compassion from them all you get is lecture and how you should of thought ahead of time. You realized something from the feeling inside your heart no one around you really care if you are in pain You realized you are in a world on your own and need to protect yourself You realized you cannot depend on anyone, but yourself You realized how much you cared and gave in your heart for them They are not there for you when you are injured. You realized at this point why be so nice and caring for others. If, they treat you as if you don't exist in their world I realized the hard way and started opening my eyes I saw my surrounding is all an imaginary family and co-worker