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Showing posts from August 9, 2021

Uncover the mystery behind Carmina's hidden truth!

Long time ago I had a tooth that was lose but was told by the dentist let it come out when it will go on its own. It might affect your teeth surrounded. Carmina waited till years has passed. After flossing my teeth between my meals all a sudden the tooth can fly out from my mouth.  Carmina panic called up Dr. Emon informed him that my tooth came out. Dr. Emon said is this good news or bad. I said both.  I wanted to make an appointment to discuss what was needed to do afterwards. My appointment was schedule with Dra. Lala had my cleaning. Dra. Lala had informed me my gums needed to heal for two months. Carmina has never had the feeling toothless. It was something I needed to do and slowly wait for the process. Carmina was informed to eat soft food and nothing hot. I felt it was a challenge to myself finding the right food for me to eat. A person who has already done food that only white during whiten teeth last year. I feel it is possible. The food I had mainly ate was congee w...

Cinnamon Raisin Roll from The Baikery

Carmina has always loved eating Cinnamon Raisin Roll ever since she was young. Carmina grew up from California and use to bake with her younger sister. Living in the Philippines with no oven provided in our kitchen we tend to look elsewhere to eat our favorite Cinnamon Raisin Roll. Carmina has tried a variety of Cinnamon Raisin Roll from the past. Yet she has never tried something that is moist, soft and easy to chew. Cinnamon Raisin Roll reminds Carmina from her childhood years that were freshly baked in the oven. Smelling in the whole house the smell of cinnamon and raisin to top off of its frosting on top best served hot and a cup of warm beverage of your choice tea or coffee. Not bad for PHP 45.00 ($0.90) for one Cinnamon Raisin Roll from  The Baikery  Lazada Philippines not including shipping and handling fees. NOTE: Carmina is not selling or advertising for Cinnamon Raisin Roll from The Baikery Lazada Philippines. Subscribe, Follow & ...

Ciabatta from The Baikery

  Carmina has been making her own sandwiches at home with ingredients that you have from your own refrigerator. Carmina had purchased her Ciabatta from The Baikery in the Philippines. You can add anything in your ciabatta bread in what you feel in the mood. Carmina only had sliced cheese, ham and mayonnaise no vegetables in stock. It is a simple sandwich anyone can make all you need is a toaster oven to heat the bread for five minutes depending how toasted you want. Carmina prefer it soft and easy to chew to appreciate the texture of her ciabatta. The Baikery sells ciabatta for six pieces for PHP 80.00 ($1.60) seems unreal it is an inexpensive price not including shipping and handling fees. Carmina has always been fond of eating bread something she cannot remove even if it is carbohydrates. To place your order click here at the link given:  The Baikery  Lazada Philippines. NOTE: Carmina is not selling or advertising for Ciabatta from The Baikery Lazada Philippines. S...

Tilapia with Pechay Recipe

Today Carmina went to the kitchen to see Manang V and see what is cooking for our lunch. Manang V had informed Carmina for the employee she has cooked something different.  Carmina went to get her phone to take a picture of Manang V's new dish that she decided to add soup to our fresh tilapia with Pechay and other ingredients. Carmina was busy talking to Manang V to get the recipe she also was able to take some photos for you to see. Tip: Manang V said she puts ginger to remove the fishy smell from the tilapia it kind of remind me of Tinola how she had cooked it. Only difference there is tomato floating in the soup and the vegetable is different. Tilapia with Petchey Recipe Ingredients: 6 - Pieces Fresh Tilapia (clean and sliced in the middle) 1 - Small piece fresh ginger (peel and slice matchbox size) 4 Tbsp. - Patis (fish sauce) 1 - Bundle Pechay 1 Whole Garlic (chopped) 1 - Onion (chopped) Small amount cooking oil Water Medium Pot Step 1: Add small amount cooking oil in hot pot ...