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Showing posts from March 29, 2024

Uncover the mystery behind Carmina's hidden truth!

Long time ago I had a tooth that was lose but was told by the dentist let it come out when it will go on its own. It might affect your teeth surrounded. Carmina waited till years has passed. After flossing my teeth between my meals all a sudden the tooth can fly out from my mouth.  Carmina panic called up Dr. Emon informed him that my tooth came out. Dr. Emon said is this good news or bad. I said both.  I wanted to make an appointment to discuss what was needed to do afterwards. My appointment was schedule with Dra. Lala had my cleaning. Dra. Lala had informed me my gums needed to heal for two months. Carmina has never had the feeling toothless. It was something I needed to do and slowly wait for the process. Carmina was informed to eat soft food and nothing hot. I felt it was a challenge to myself finding the right food for me to eat. A person who has already done food that only white during whiten teeth last year. I feel it is possible. The food I had mainly ate was congee w...

Carmina the Tour Guide Showing Becky at Gateway 2 Mall

Carmina has been to Gateway 2 Mall so many times. Every time you visit there is always something new to see. Becky had mentioned she hasn't been inside Gateway 2 Mall. Carmina decided to show Becky around from the beginning enter inside from Gateway proceed to the extension of Gateway 2.  From Gateway 2 from the entrance outside I had also showed it to Becky just in case she would like to explore on her own. Carmina had mentioned to Becky there is a church in Gateway 2, but I've seen it yet. Becky said, sure let's look for it together.  I did my research online to see where it would be located and saw if you enter through the cinema from Gateway 2 from the back looks like construction is a hallway. Seeing there was open area with sunlight seeing access of escalator where I was able to see seniors walking and a security guard. I asked the security guard where the escalator would lead to the top was informed the church was located at the roof top. The name of the church is ...

Mashed Squash and Carrot Recipe

Lots of people make mashed potato ever thought combining squash and carrots together would make a better meal. Carmina was tired eating her squash and carrots how we normally do. Mashed Squash and Carrot Recipe Ingredients: 2 Cups - Squash (peeled and cubes) 1 - Carrot (peeled and cubes) 2 Cups - Water 1 - Vegetable Cube (any brand) 2 Tbsp. - Butter (any brand) Cooking and Preparing Instructions: I was making my meal starting off boiling it in a pot having it peel and sliced up in cubes. It won't take too long to have it cooked up. Rather using plain water for boiling the water adding vegetable broth for my seasoning.  After it was fully cooked letting it cool down, I had strained the squash and carrots. Set aside the broth can be used for something else. I had placed the squash, carrots and some butter inside the food processor.  Someone teased me saying my mashed squash and carrots can resemble baby food.  Everyone started eating food that was mashed up although it woul...

Have you've tried putting banana in your toast bread?

When you think about it Carmina is going advance, we are approaching the month of March in the Philippines summer is coming. People tend to place themselves in a diet or go toward a healthy style of living. Just happened to Carmina's condition which is not really bad since we can work around by food we can eat. Carmina has started eating wheat bread found the best one she has preferred to purchase in the Philippines. I used to think wheat bread was dry with no flavor.  My favorite brand is Monde Soft Wheat Bread.  I guess we learn from when we can only eat wheat bread and explore by making meals out of it. Have you tried putting sliced banana on your toast bread? Banana Toast with Vegan Cinnamon Almond Cashew Butter Recipe Ingredients: Wheat or white bread (any brand) Toaster Vegan Cinnamon Almond Cashew Butter (any brand) 1 Ripen Banana (sliced) Prepare: Toast how many slices of bread you want to eat for breakfast. Spread the almond cinnamon cashew butter on toast bread and a...

Carmina's Review on Buko Pandan Loaf from Edsa Shangri-la Hotel Bake Shop

Mom Violy had informed me that she would like to buy her banana bread at the Edsa Shangri-la Hotel  bake shop. Entering inside the bake shop Mom Violy asked me what I wanted to buy. First thing I saw was the buko pandan loaf. It was the last one on the shelf.  Mom Violy said are you sure this is the one you want. I said yes. I've never seen it before inside the bake shop. I am not sure if it is a seasonal item being holy week.  The price of the Buko Pandan Loaf is 260.00 pesos ($4.73) but if you have a senior card or PWD there is a discount on the baked goods. Coming home I took pictures for you to see what the buko pandan loaf look inside when you sliced it up. I've been eating for the past days the buko pandan loaf is still moist and soft placed inside the refrigerator in an airtight plastic container. Inside the buko pandan loaf is coconut where you can see is color white and color of the loaf in green of the pandan. How does the buko pandan loaf taste? Biting in the b...