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Showing posts from June 6, 2020

Dear Facebook Team

Dear Facebook Team, The day Carmina kept posting in her Facebook Page is when I was sharing my moment with Yssa. I was informed my reels cannot be published because someone claimed my page was no longer recommended. The strange thing is the account of Carmina Lifestyle has no violation. I had also checked on my Carmina LS which is my personal Facebook account sometimes it would float there as well. Each account is clean without any violation I've complained right now it is under review or what we call investigating. Upon checking my dashboard, I can still receive my income from the stars on my reels.  The following day I had received a notification asking to reply back to people who have made a comment.  You're asking me to do my weekly challenge. It is very confusing when you've placed me on suspended. I would like to know why I am receiving daily notification from my Carmina Lifestyle. How can you possibly do it when you've been restricted? I've never encountered

Motivate, Inspire and Achieve

As we have stayed home we come across to notice weight we have gained or weight we have lost but what we notice are fats starting to hang around our body. To remove those unwanted fats is to exercise, eat a balance healthy meal along to be mentally ready to do it your own pace. We are not in a race or need to be in a hurry those who are new to this will put a big adjustment on your time schedule. You will find exercise online that what seem to be easier for you to do on what you feel comfortable and what I have notice most exercise are the same just the pattern how you do what first. This change is for the better as we start to age our body will start to function differently we may look young but our body has begun to aged. We tend to get tired more and this is from lack of being active in the way we live each day. In order to change how your body has performed is to start less exercise but to go to the pace you feel you can manage to add more minutes to your