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Showing posts from August 2, 2022

Uncover the mystery behind Carmina's hidden truth!

Long time ago I had a tooth that was lose but was told by the dentist let it come out when it will go on its own. It might affect your teeth surrounded. Carmina waited till years has passed. After flossing my teeth between my meals all a sudden the tooth can fly out from my mouth.  Carmina panic called up Dr. Emon informed him that my tooth came out. Dr. Emon said is this good news or bad. I said both.  I wanted to make an appointment to discuss what was needed to do afterwards. My appointment was schedule with Dra. Lala had my cleaning. Dra. Lala had informed me my gums needed to heal for two months. Carmina has never had the feeling toothless. It was something I needed to do and slowly wait for the process. Carmina was informed to eat soft food and nothing hot. I felt it was a challenge to myself finding the right food for me to eat. A person who has already done food that only white during whiten teeth last year. I feel it is possible. The food I had mainly ate was congee w...

Good Nuggets from Shakey's Pizza

Carmina was handed a box of chicken nuggets and went ahead to try it without knowing it was meatless. It didn't quite taste right with the barbecue sauce that was included with five pieces nuggets. Carmina asked someone to try it not sure if it was just my taste buds reacting in a acquired way. Yes, I do eat meatless food yet this wasn't something I can say it was really good. It tasted more of textured vegetable protein extender know for short cut is TVP which is a product we sell. Carmina had to checked  Shakey's Pizza Philippines  had a new item when I was gone for vacation. Yes, it is Good Nuggets with vegan Barbecue sauce. NOTE: Carmina is not selling or advertising for Good Nuggets served at Shakey's Pizza Philippines. Subscribe & follow @ Carmina Lifestyle  a place to look, discover and share. Thank you for your support!

Carmina has traveled from Oakland, New York and Tokyo just inside Thigh Joint located at Matalino, Quezon City

  Those who crave for chicken can try Thigh Joint located at Matalino, Quezon City. Carmina was missing out from her travel decided upon trying the Oakland Cheesy Beef Fries it is just the common Animal fries in the United States. Only difference the fries are curly and the sauces are on the side to prevent having it arrived soggy for PHP 195.00 ($3.48) solo size.  Those who cannot travel can just eat some New York Buffalo Nuggets best part it had arrived with the sauce on the side prevention making them soggy for PHP 185.00 ($3.30). Thigh Joint also has the Original Fried Chicken Sandwich with additional of crinkle cut fries total for PHP 265.00 ($4.73). In case you want to travel a bit inside Thigh Joint 's Menu we came across with Tokyo Tebaski Fried Chicken Sandwich with additional total for PHP 265.00 ($4.73). The food is fabulous where even if you eat the nuggets not right away they are still crunchy. NOTE: Carmina is not selling or advertising food served at Thigh Joint...

Renewing Globe Cellular Contract No Phone Call Needed

Renewing Globe Cellular Contract No Phone Call Needed Carmina was trying to figure out how to renew a contact when signal is really bad where she is currently living. Carmina found out login in at Globe Philippines into her account she had clicked renew asking to type in your mobile number to check if you qualify by sending an OTP on your phone by typing the numbers. Globe Philippines will pull up your file once approved for a renewal you'll be asked to find what PLAN and Phone you would like to add to your cart before you can proceed the next step. Upon ordering your cellphone and plan they will ask you to check the name under the account with address is correct they may ask you to type it again giving you a confirmation number letting you know it will take seven business day. It really doesn't take seven days to be approved in one of my renewal accounts it only took one day receiving a SMS text message on the phone your reconstructing and the phone will be delivered to you fo...