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Showing posts from January 5, 2023

Butterflied Pla Pla with Buto and Mustasa from Manam Comfort Filipino

  When you have family friends who have informed you that they will be visiting the Philippines.  The common is that they will inform you when they would be in town. Upon their arrival after having many activities they will inform you when they are free to see you. Carmina had message Tita Edita that we would like to treat them for lunch along with Mom Violy. Tita Edita had informed me that her son and husband Tito Rozel would also be coming. It wasn't a problem for us it would great to see them again. The day was approaching for our bonding moment. Tita Edita asked if we would like to have lunch or dinner. Mom Violy said lunch works better for her.  Tita Edita said sounds good lunch on October 4, 2024. Mom Violy saw a recent post of Edita saying they wanted to eat at Manam, but they were number 15 before they could be served. Mom Violy decided to make the lunch be at  Manam Comfort Filipino  inside Robinsons Magnolia. Mom Violy made sure she would arrive early to make the reservat

Discipline Yourself to New Changes through Dental Care

The month of July 2022 after my trip from California I've decided to make new choices in my own appearance. I realized one day we won't be wearing our face mask. When that time comes, I've already had my new look set aside. Carmina is like everyone else we have caps on our mouth, and no one knows us only our dentist who works on it. Fifteen years ago, when I had migrated to the Philippines my caps were already there. Four years ago, before the pandemic started, I've had plans to change it yet never came to the point actually getting it done. Carmina decided to really set foot and enter inside  Aking Dentista  and made an appointment online. Carmina notices one cap was already loosed it is in the front. We worried that people would tease us why we have no tooth in the front. Having worn a face mask no one will know not unless you really eat in front of them. Carmina has had a lot of family and friends during the pandemic they were also toothless and asked us to take a gr

Being a Blogger is How We Build a Friendship to Allow People Follow You

Being a blogger is how we build a friendship by having something in common. If I were to ask you, why do you become friends with someone. Most likely the same reason why you follow  Carmina Lifestyle . We have developed a trust with each other and having something in common. In each friendship sometimes we disconnect with people who we've known for a very long time. Other people have set priorities, working or lose the interest by unfollow you. Carmina Lifestyle doesn't stick to one topic. We float around giving a variety by capturing it through pictures, video and an article. Becky has seen how Carmina has done her work at our Binondo food trip. Becky was able to see how it works. Not notice Carmina was already taking a video while we're walking in the rain. We have our sense of moment what makes everything click to each other. Carmina has a lot going on coming up for the month of January soon you'll see it all posted. Carmina would also like to thank her new 1,500 Fol