When you have family friends who have informed you that they will be visiting the Philippines. The common is that they will inform you when they would be in town. Upon their arrival after having many activities they will inform you when they are free to see you. Carmina had message Tita Edita that we would like to treat them for lunch along with Mom Violy. Tita Edita had informed me that her son and husband Tito Rozel would also be coming. It wasn't a problem for us it would great to see them again. The day was approaching for our bonding moment. Tita Edita asked if we would like to have lunch or dinner. Mom Violy said lunch works better for her. Tita Edita said sounds good lunch on October 4, 2024. Mom Violy saw a recent post of Edita saying they wanted to eat at Manam, but they were number 15 before they could be served. Mom Violy decided to make the lunch be at Manam Comfort Filipino inside Robinsons Magnolia. Mom Violy made sure she would arrive early to make the reservat
As you aged the more things comes out of your health. I started getting floaters in my eyes when I started my first pregnancy from my son. I saw floaters in my eyes that looks like shadow coming from your eye that floats just outside as you keep staring at it. The line sometimes moves around or just floats. I never knew what the cause of it was. I thought during my pregnancy is because I wasn't eating on time. After I gave birth the floaters went away. As years past and I gave birth to my second son the floaters had appeared again. I went to see an ophthalmologist. I was told I had glaucoma. I was scared when I heard about it. Glaucoma Eye: · It is an eye disease that can cause you to become permanent blind by damaging your optic nerve. I went to another ophthalmologist for a second opinion. I was so worried how I can cope being blind. My mind kept drifting and thinking the worse could happen. I was visiting the Philippines and brought a copy of