Long time ago I had a tooth that was lose but was told by the dentist let it come out when it will go on its own. It might affect your teeth surrounded. Carmina waited till years has passed. After flossing my teeth between my meals all a sudden the tooth can fly out from my mouth. Carmina panic called up Dr. Emon informed him that my tooth came out. Dr. Emon said is this good news or bad. I said both. I wanted to make an appointment to discuss what was needed to do afterwards. My appointment was schedule with Dra. Lala had my cleaning. Dra. Lala had informed me my gums needed to heal for two months. Carmina has never had the feeling toothless. It was something I needed to do and slowly wait for the process. Carmina was informed to eat soft food and nothing hot. I felt it was a challenge to myself finding the right food for me to eat. A person who has already done food that only white during whiten teeth last year. I feel it is possible. The food I had mainly ate was congee w...
Recently I had purchase a new phone for my mom online due to one of her phone broke down having it for ten years. It wasn't one of those android phones it was the less complicated phones we had started ourselves decades ago that was a keypad with no social media accounts connected or any internet that we're all hung up on. Although my mom has two sets of phone one from her Globe Cellular and Sun Cellular carrier due she has friends who have different phone carrier in the Philippines to lessen your expenses on calls or text. My mom wanted to have two separate accounts. Even though it is possible to put two sim cards in one phone my mom prefer to have two separate phones with her to not confuse who she is calling. Living in the Philippines most people have two phones with them to carry along with them all separate simcards and phone carrier. Those living elsewhere you will think we are rich that why we would have two phones to bring with us. The life in the Philippine...