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Showing posts from February 27, 2020

Tips How to Claim Daily Rewards from TikTok

Out of your friends who are using TikTok on their phone seems a popular social media application. Carmina tried making an account in TikTok in the beginning I was getting dizzy inside too many things going on. I had deleted the account and uninstalled on my phone. Second time Yssa was telling me to try it again she had invited me. I felt uneasy for some reason felt the application was complicated. Yssa and Mary Ann was telling me to click and watch videos and click the rewards. I couldn't do it some reason wasn't allowed to claim saying not available in my country. I am living in the Philippines which was strange because both Yssa and Mary Ann live in same country. I decided to delete my account and uninstall the application. Third time Mary Ann said among her friends I am the only one who doesn't have a TikTok account. I decided not to link to my Facebook account since it is on lock mode and found out reason to believe why you cannot claim any rewards. I had used my email ...

Difference From Any Other Country

Summer in the Philippines is almost starting and people are planning their vacation even if we still have the coronavirus. Us Filipino love to travel when we have a chance too and travel with families, friends or meet a new friend there are always a lot of opportunity for someone like us to travel within our reach. Living in the Philippines even if you earn less of the value of any other country, we still have time to travel even if it means not leaving our country. We can travel just few hours to visit a new destination just to take a break from the real world we sometimes plan ahead or sometimes it is just last minute. No matter what we have time to explore rather than always working hard and staying at the office. Some people even bring their work as they still enjoy the beach scenery. There is a difference from the life in the United States and the Philippines we are carefree people and you will notice people living in the United States they come home and go ...

Lent Season

Easter is approaching and here in the Philippines they are very religious they obey the rule no meat on every Friday. These are the food not allowed to be eaten during this time: Chicken Beef Lamb Pork Ham Food allowed to be eaten: Vegetables Fruits Fish Egg Milk Grains The only ones who are allowed to eat meat are the seniors and those who do not believe in that kind of superstition. Restaurant provides meals for a limit time offer for example at Mc Donald’s they offer breaded fish and chips a part of their meal. Some Filipino people believe when Good Friday comes they are not allowed to go to work they will just pray and attend mass at the Catholic Church. Some people put them on a restriction to remove something they common daily routine during lent season for example: No Facebook  No Drinking. No Junk Food No Smoking They try to remove something they often do that it will be difficult for them to remove this way during lent season...