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Carmina's Simple Avon Wonderland Eye Palette

Carmina is thinking in advance when you realized your eyeshadow is to big carry along with you. Carmina will be travelling to Bohol with limit baggage allowance we need to think and purchase things taking less space. Carmina went toward using brown shade on her eyeshadow.  My favorite brand is not something expensive. I've been using Avon brands for a long time.  Carmina was able to find  Rosel Avon O' Shop  Online Shopee Philippines having the colors I use.  The item I found is the Avon True Color Eyeshadow Quad placed my order. The seller had informed me the item is no longer available but found Wonderland Eye Palette in shade called Queen Bee. The price is 379.00 pesos ($6.77) not including shipping and handling. I asked, how will she refund me the remaining. The seller said, she can send it to me through Gcash because I had paid in full.  NOTE: Carmina is not selling or advertising for Avon Eyeshadow Mocha Latte from Rosel Avon O' Shop Online Shopee Philippines. Subscri

Carmina LS is a Star Sender


Carmina is sharing her blessing by giving stars to what reels I feel deserve to have a token from me.

I know how it feels when you want to receive your first star. The feeling is exciting and soon those stars will keep coming.

Other people it takes a long time to receive stars, but what you don't know people you give a star they promote you. Everyone has their own set of followers where we think ahead. 

People will enter inside your page just to see who you are.

Helping people is a great gift to give them motivation and continue taking reels of their own.

Carmina has a lot of friends who don't really talk in their reels. I know they are shy, but one day who knows they'll have the courage to come out to hear them out.

Something I cannot understand from people who demand to give them a star. No one can be force to do what they expect from you. Life doesn't work that way.

There are some people who cannot give you stars because they have money problems as well.

Just understand the situation they are in some of us are lucky we have enough funds to spend to others.

Carmina was curious how to buy stars to send. Based on my experience I'll explain to you. I was able to purchase stars that was linked to my gcash in the Philippines. It will automatically link to what payment method you have linked to your Facebook.

Did you know when you made a purchase you get free stars?

I had no clue since it is my first time. 

Did you know there are seasonal gift stars for the holidays?

It also tells you who has purchased a lot of stars kind of have idea who they are.

Spread love by sending stars to those who want to start a new chapter in their life.


Carmina is not selling or advertising for Google Play Store and Gcash for transaction made to purchase Facebook Stars.

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