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Laughter with Mom Violy, Carmina, Ruel, Neria and Marissa

Mom Violy wanted to get a haircut from Ruel from Hairliners Salon in Ali Mall. She was saying if they are not too busy wanted to get a pedicure.  Ruel had introduce Marissa to Mom Violy who can do her pedicure. Neria had approached me saying she has no client. I was able to get my facial done while Mom Violy was busy having her beauty treatments. Mom Violy had introduced me to Marissa saying they wanted to add each other in Facebook. They had no clue how to do it. Both Mom Violy and Marissa handed their phone to me.  Ruel had informed Marissa that I am doing Poppo Live.  Marissa asked for some pointers how to use the Poppo Live application on her phone. I taught her the basics found out she is in an agency.  I don't understand why her agency is not giving her tips how to use Poppo Live.  Ruel had informed me he would also like to join Poppo Live just been so busy from his work. I told everyone to gather and take pictures together since we've haven't seen each other for a lo

Cover of A Book, Face and Social Media

Every book has a cover just like people we have a face.

We open that book as we turn the pages.

We look face to face to someone we only can see how they look.

We cannot read the mind of a person.

Some people have a social media account. We glance and look at their profile picture it will be their face, object that means to them so much or just a scenery.

What ever it is. It represent the person they are.

Did you know sometimes there are people who hide who they are? In their social media it can be an imaginary life.

A life what they want to misjudge their audience.

Just like when you glance at a person we don't really  know what that person feels until they express their emotional feelings.

Not like in a book everything is written down as you read the thoughts from the author.

Last night I was searching a new beach place to explore for the end of this year. I came up with a picture of a couple my friend knew.

I asked, her why she hasn't removed her past in social media. 

I realized to myself some people keep their past as if the feelings are still there.

In reality they are completely over their relationship.

In public eye they are a loving couple expressing their love for one another.

I don't like when people show a fake relationship in the public.

You are misjudging yourself and other people surrounded to you.

Just like I was reading an article there was a graduate and she had informed her parents she would be traveling.

It turned out the whole time the daughter didn't travel. She pretend to be in a foreign country to prove to people that some people can lie and make up that they are traveling to use photo shop in their pictures.

That is one thing I have never done. Lie where I have traveled. I don't believe in lying.

But this person wanted to prove you don't need to travel you can make your pictures look like you have traveled around the world with crops being used.

Just like people using beauty cam app to pretend they look so beautiful or pretend their faces looks the way it does.

There are so many apps out there and some people go over board and misjudge a person.

I have always told my friends who you see me now. Is the same person you will see in my social media.

I am not the type to pretend who I am not.

If, you read my book it would be my blog. You will get to know me well enough based on what I write.

If, you meet me in person you will see what you have read in my blog.

If, you see me in your social media it will be how you read the blog and seen me in person. I will be equal as one.
