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Mom Violy Craving for New City Food House

The last time we had dined inside  New City Food House  was year 2018 with someone who had introduced us the restaurant. Ever since Mom Violy likes eating their food since it is very affordable. There are meals that are Chinese or Filipino dishes. Upon entering New City Food House there was some customers inside as well Grab riders waiting to pick up the orders. Menu was handed to us waiting for Mom Violy to place her order. Mom Violy started off with Beef Mami Noodle Soup for 190.00 pesos ($3.28). Mom Violy ordered Ampalaya con Carne for 156.00 pesos ($2.69). Carmina's favorite is Sizzling Chicken for 357.00 pesos ($6.16). I would always request to have the fried chicken on the side. Mom Violy's favorite is the Crab Omelet for 147.00 pesos ($2.53). Fried Rice for 59.00 pesos ($1.02). Just to let you know ahead of time the serving is big enough to fill up along your companion. Or else you have a lot of leftover food to take home with you being wrapped up inside a plastic bag an

🍀Carmina 🦋 Changed Her Name in Poppo Live

Carmina was thinking of quitting in Poppo Live. The money I had decided to donate the coins to my two friends I met inside.

After I had informed Amy and Rolex they felt so sad that they won't be able to see me in my solo live streaming.

I had sent them money work of 3,000 through trade which was the watch while they had hosted their own party or attended one.

I had informed Amy and Rolex that they can still communicate with me in Facebook Messenger where I am mostly active inside.

After few days later I decided to stick around in Poppo Live use the points I have saved up withdraw and put in my GCASH. I will use the money to send Stars to my Carmina LS account to those who I have watched their reels.

I decided not to close my account in Poppo Live. I will not renew my VIP. I don't have time to catch fireworks. Lately Poppo Live keep telling me that there is a problem with my internet cannot connect. Some reason I no longer see the fireworks and I can only hear it by sound. 

I am not sure if everyone else is having that problem.

Rolex has informed me she is not a VIP because she cannot afford it. She prefers to cash out her points for something else.

I found out if you want to change your name in Poppo Live. Every one month it is possible to change your name without a charge of 10,000 coins.


How to Change Your Name:

  • Go to Main Page of Poppo Live Tap on the right-hand side with an arrow.
  • Go to your profile and click the pencil on the right-hand side.
  • Edit Data Click Nickname
  • Type the Nickname you want click save. 

I've decided to change my name to 🍀Carmina 🦋. The reason why there is a clover leaf is for luck and butterfly stands to fly being free. It just symbols my life right now.

I don't want people to recognize me having an agency. I am really not looking for people to work below me.

After giving some coins away I started watching party that was having some fireworks. I also gambled by giving gifts away. My coins went up slowly and sometimes we don't get to receive the fireworks. It alright not a big deal because when you send gifts in the party. There are chances we earn big.

I kept entering another party as you can say my coins went up from starting off from 8,000 coins.

I stopped myself and decided to go to sleep. 

Next morning, I find myself to enter a one-hour party entering myself to see which gold seat is vacant. Sometimes I have days it is difficult to put myself and sit down because most people have the party for the members for their agency.

We come across some of them not allowing you to sit down. It is alright from the list of followers out of them I am sure you can place yourself in the party they are holding.

Make sure you follow the host just in case you would like to sit down the following day if you find an empty seat.

Everyone goes online on different times we don't really know when they are available.

I keep my option open therefore they don't know who you maybe they will look and check your profile.

I've made new changes in my description. Letting them know they can also find me in Carmina Lifestyle in my Facebook Page.


Carmina is not selling or advertising for activities inside Poppo Live Application.

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