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Carmina's Simple Avon Wonderland Eye Palette

Carmina is thinking in advance when you realized your eyeshadow is to big carry along with you. Carmina will be travelling to Bohol with limit baggage allowance we need to think and purchase things taking less space. Carmina went toward using brown shade on her eyeshadow.  My favorite brand is not something expensive. I've been using Avon brands for a long time.  Carmina was able to find  Rosel Avon O' Shop  Online Shopee Philippines having the colors I use.  The item I found is the Avon True Color Eyeshadow Quad placed my order. The seller had informed me the item is no longer available but found Wonderland Eye Palette in shade called Queen Bee. The price is 379.00 pesos ($6.77) not including shipping and handling. I asked, how will she refund me the remaining. The seller said, she can send it to me through Gcash because I had paid in full.  NOTE: Carmina is not selling or advertising for Avon Eyeshadow Mocha Latte from Rosel Avon O' Shop Online Shopee Philippines. Subscri

Dressing Up Your Mountain Bike with a Set of Rims

You would never know that a mountain bike also needs rims for their added feature to make their bike different than others. We have known people who have money that love to fix up their grown up toy to the next level by having new upgraded features added to their mountain bike.

I am not into this item but someone at home is into these types of stuff and when you show me a part that can upgrade your mountain bike to look expensive and to add something different based on an ordinary mountain bike you would think when they stop adding new features.

In the Philippines people like to put their money or saving on their grown up bike to dress it up. 

I even have known friends who own more than one mountain bike to them it is based on what color, style they feel like riding on the day they feel like riding a bike.

We know other people like to match their clothing from head to toe while these people are almost the same way just they are matching their cycling clothes with their helmet, gears and of course their favorite grown up toy to make everything prefect for them.

To these people they feel one mountain bike is not enough to add on to their collection some even collect MTB just for a hobby and don't use it just for display.

There are some people who love to just fix up mountain bikes and sell it later with a profit from the expenses they made of from the bike.

There are other people who really cycle for the fun and as well we have the professional who does it for a living and compete in their area.
